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Excel COUNTIF Function Generator

Use AI to generate COUNTIF functions to quickly count data meeting specific conditions

Excel COUNTIF Formula Guide - How to Use COUNTIF Function

Learn how to use Excel’s COUNTIF function effectively. COUNTIF counts cells that meet your specified criteria, perfect for data analysis and reporting.


=COUNTIF(range, criteria)

  • range: The range of cells to evaluate
  • criteria: The condition to test (e.g., “>10”, “Sold”, “2024”, “>=1/1/2024”)


  1. Count numbers greater than a value:
    =COUNTIF(A2:A100, “>1000”)
    Result: Counts how many cells contain numbers > 1000

  2. Count specific text:
    =COUNTIF(B2:B50, “Completed”)
    Result: Counts cells containing exactly “Completed”

  3. Count dates before a specific date:
    =COUNTIF(C2:C100, “<1/1/2024”)
    Result: Counts dates before January 1, 2024

  4. Count using cell reference:
    =COUNTIF(A2:A100, A1)
    Result: Counts cells matching value in A1

  5. Count with wildcards:
    =COUNTIF(B2:B50, “Apple*”)
    Result: Counts cells starting with “Apple”

Advanced Tips

  • Use wildcards for partial matches:

    • “*” matches any number of characters
    • “?” matches any single character
      Example: =COUNTIF(A2:A100, “2024*”) counts items starting with “2024”
  • Comparison operators:

    • > (greater than)
    • < (less than)
    • >= (greater than or equal)
    • <= (less than or equal)
    • <> (not equal)
  • Date comparisons:

    • Use proper date format
    • Can compare using operators
      Example: =COUNTIF(A2:A100, “>=1/1/2024”)

Common Errors

  • #VALUE!: Invalid criteria format
  • #NAME?: Missing quotes around text criteria
  • Case-sensitive: “SOLD” ≠ “sold”
  • Zero results: Check data format matches criteria